DIY Tree branches decor - Wall hanging

If you're looking for minimalistic ideas to decorate your home this Christmas here is an idea for you to use decorative tree branches as a wall hanging. I always feel less is more when it comes to home decor. Natural materials and fresh colors can make your house feel very light and elegant to the eye. And even better is when you make it by yourself! Nothing can beat that handmade feel to the home decor.

In this craft idea for tree branches, you only need a small twig or a branch of the tree depending on the size you want to make, and some basic painting skills to make different Christmas-related illustrations. If you don't want to paint, you can easily find these in form of stickers in any art supplies store

Step 1: Draw out all the Christmas elements you want to hang on your tree branch DIY

I have drawn a Christmas tree, Candy Canes, Ginger Bread, a Stocking stuffer, jingle balls, etc. You can draw whatever you like! Keep it simple :)

Step 2: Paint the cute Christmas sketches

There's no one way to paint your illustrations. Use all sorts of Christmas colors and shades like scarlet red, Foliage Green, Golden, and Silver. Make it look festive!

My Formulas:
  • Ginger Bread: I mixed Chrome yellow, Burnt sienna, and Burnt umber to get this ginger color and a little gold for the borders
  • Candy Canes, Glove, Jingle Ball and the stuffer stocking: Combination of Scarlet Red and Silver
  • Christmas tree: Combination of metallic Jade and emerald with burnt umber as the base and scarlet for the jingles on it. 

Step 3: Cut out all the cute Christmas illustrations

Cut out all the illustrations carefully with a tiny border around them so that it pops out from your background

Step 4: Tie one end of jute ropes to your twig and on the other end stick your cutouts

Take a couple of jute ropes preferably of different lengths and tie one end to your twig and on the other with the help of a tape stick your cutouts. Try to keep an equal distance between the ropes so that your cutouts have enough space to not overlap each other once it's upon your wall. 

Step 5: Add some sparkly ornaments and our branch wall art is ready to go on the wall!

diy tree branches decorThis is optional very I would highly recommend it. Add sparkly balls, stars, or any other ornaments you would like. Keep them well distributed and it's ready to go up on your wall! I completely love the way the tree branch home decor has turned out. It's simple and cute and most importantly handmade!

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