Our first blog post - introducing the theme of this blog!


to Viviva!

Sound the alarm and cue the music,
our Viviva Newsletter is here!


My name is Simela also known as @pizzlepaints and I am head of Viviva community building and social media. Gosh it feels good to finally be typing to you. I am based in Adelaide, Australia and I am extremely fortunate to be a part of the Viviva team.
In 2015 Aditya alongside his brother Rohan created Vivivacolorsheets to encourage and inspire people to paint anytime, anywhere. 

Meet Aditya (right) and Rohan (left). 
They look like brothers, amiright?

Now, the name.

When broken down 'Vi Vi Va' is actually the initials of Aditya and Rohan's talented, artistic grandmother. 'Viva' in Latin means 'lively'. Stay with me.
Aditya and Rohan chose the name 'Viviva' as it perfectly describes and represents
the colors as well as the wonderful woman they are named after.
Shivers down spins? 
Yes Pizz!
Three years on, Viviva has been shipped to over 90 countries worldwide and is continuing to grow day by day.


Why a Newsletter?

Our newsletters are not only going to inform you on what�s new with Viviva but also going to TEACH you new ways to use our sheets each month.
But how? One of our greatest assets is our ability to show YOU to our Viviva community. Our social platforms are dedicated to showing how everyday people/artists use Viviva in their everyday lives. I have created a creative team of incredible artists from all over the globe to help educate how Viviva
colorsheets can be used. These artists are all unique stylistically but share a common passion for the medium of watercolors. From Canada, Poland to India and Australia, the creative team is dedicated to showing YOU Viviva's versatility. Despite distance and time zones the Viviva team work extremely hard to make sure you are getting the best colorsheets in world and I don't say that lightly.

What to expect? 

Expect tutorials, how-to graphics and wonderful words of advice from our creative time as well as reviews from a number of YouTube sensations. Christmas specials are right around the corner and we have new products in the works (Newsletter subscribers receive first priority) and I'm so happy that I get to inform you of everything Viviva.

I'll speak to you very soon, happy painting!
- Simela (Pizzle Paints) 




Copyright � 2018 VIVIVA Colorsheets



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